Saturday, August 29, 2015

Almost time for more homework

We made a homework station! What used to be a boring corner, filled with an old computer area (because who even has a desktop anymore) and turned it into: whaaaaa laaaa!
Well not yet at least. We took my grandma's old desk- she used it as a girl *wipes tear of sentimentality*- and turned it navy blue. The same navy blue in fact, that we used to paint our front door, which perfectly matches our shutters. (Also, if anyone has a good front door color reccomendation for a tan house with navy shutters, please let me know)

And now it looks like this:

All that's missing is a chair. We had one, but then decided to go shopping from our family room into our living room. So now it's in our living room; but more on that next week. 

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